PENGARUH STRUKTUR AKTIVA, PROFITABILITAS, PERTUMBUHAN PERUSAHAAN DAN KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN HUTANG (Studi Empiris Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Industri Dasar dan Kimia yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2015)

  • Dicky Afdi Prayogi Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
  • Budi Susetyo Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
  • Mr. Subekti Universitas Pancasakti Tegal


Influence  of  Asset  Structure,  Profitability,  Corporate Growth  and  Dividend  Policy on  Debt  Policy  of  basic  and  chemical  industry manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study aims to determine the effect of Asset Structure, Profitability, Corporate Growth and Dividend Policy simultaneously and partially to the Debt Policy of manufacturing companies of the basic and chemical industry sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data method used in this research is using purposive sampling by using criterion. Where data collection is processed using predetermined criteria. Based on the results of research: Simultaneously the asset structure, profitability, corporate growth and dividend policy together have a significant effect on debt policy. While partially Asset Structure has no effect on Debt Policy. Profitability has  a  negative  and  significant  effect  on  the  Company's  Debt  Policy.  The Company's growth has no effect on the Company's Debt Policy. Dividend Policy has no effect on Company Debt Policy.
Keywords: Debt Policy, Asset Structure, Profitability, Corporate Growth and Dividend Policy