Educational Review is a leading journal for generic educational research and scholarship.It publishes peer-reviewed papers from international contributors across a range of education fields and or perspectives including pedagogy and the curriculum, history, geography, philosophy, psychology, sociology, international and comparative education and educational leadership. Articles offer original insights to formal and informal educational policy, provision, processes and practice and the experiences of all those involved in many countries around the world.

The editors welcome high quality, original papers which encourage and enhance debate on social justice and critical enquiry in education, besides innovative new theoretical and methodological scholarship. The journal offers six editions a year. The Board invites proposals for special editions as well as commissioning them.

A regular feature of the journal is state-of-the-art reviews to maintain the continuity of educational debate. An extensive range of recently published books is reviewed. Readership is aimed at educationalists, researchers, and policy makers. The Article of the Year award is given on the basis of the following criteria:

• Ability to communicate original insights regarding the analysis of educational policy and/or, provision, processes, practice and experience - broadly defined to cover a wide range of educational and cultural institutions - with exceptional clarity;
• Potential for challenging and/or changing a range of education fields and/or perspectives, that is, the way that education researchers conceive a problem and offer scholarly analyses;
• Potential for making an original and lasting contribution to debate on social justice and critical enquiry in education and/or innovative new theoretical and methodological scholarship in the field of education and educational research.

Intended to recognise outstanding achievements in scholarly work, this award brings with it additional promotional/engagement opportunities